AIRTITE Performance HVAC

Providing the Highest Quality of HVAC Installation & Repair Services as well as Building Science & Energy Efficiency Testing Services. Located in Cumming, GA serving most of the North Metro Atlanta areas!


performance HVAC Services

Are you ready to upgrade or install a New Comfort System for your home, but you're concerned which size is right?

We include a Manual J Load Calculation, even in our most basic system package which ensures your NEW Home Comfort System is exactly the RIGHT SIZE for your home.

Scroll down to read about why a bigger size is NOT a better size for your Home's New Comfort System.

What's worse than the AC or Furnace going out? Not much... except for when it fails again, right after the AC guy just fixed it.

Our Repair Services are designed not only to quickly solve any system issue(s), but to uncover the underlying cause(s) of the issue(s) to prevent repeat failures, and the resulting frustration commonly experienced by homeowners!

Don't hand your health over to the lowest bidder!

We provide a higher standard for HVAC maintenance to ensure your system stays running efficiently, while your home remains safe.

We include Combustion Analysis testing in our maintenance agreements for gas fired appliances, and we check the Carbon Monoxide Level inside your home every visit, even for new service call visits regarding the Air-Conditioning in summertime when most gas appliances aren't operating.

system Replacement & INSTALLATION

SYSTEM diagnostics & Service Repairs


Have your Power Bills gone UP after recently purchasing a new High Efficiency Furnace, or Air Conditioner?

Common installation & sizing mistakes can lead to extremely inefficient Comfort Systems, leaving you uncomfortable with higher Power Bills!

AIRTITE can test & prove the real-life efficiency of your Comfort System to find the reason why your comfort system is not running as efficiently as it should be.


Back in the day, the typical (PSC) Blower Motor operating in undersized, or restrictive ductwork would slow down and use less electricity.

Today's new-and-improved Blower Motors (ECMs) operating in undersized, or restricted ductwork will now speed up to overcome the airflow restriction, consuming much more electricity than previously experienced with the "back in the day" PSC Motors.

This high amount of stress on the blower motor can cause the wheel to break loose, potentially further damaging the blower motor.



Would it sound cost effective to use a gigantic 48" oven to bake only 2 cookies at a time?

Of course not!

A large amount of energy would be wasted running that giant oven, baking only 2 cookies at a time! The same can be said about energy consumption for an oversized HVAC System.

Whether a Comfort System is designed to last 15 years, or 25 years; A Comfort System can NOT be expected to meet its designed lifespan if the system's design criteria are NOT met for your Home.

Call AIRTITE today to Design and Install your New Home Comfort System from the ground up, literally!

We offer Residential Load Calculations, Blower Door Testing, Duct Designs, Installation, service, and more!

Is Bigger Better?

How long will my Comfort System Last?

Theoretically, would a bigger-than-needed heart work better in someone's body?

Of course not!

Theoretically, high-blood-pressure would result as a side effect, just like the resulting high-static-pressure from an oversized HVAC System.

Proper design work is key to ensuring your Home's New Comfort System has AIRTITE Performance!

Customer Reviews

Ray Robinson - My tech was Fisher Heard and he did an outstanding job! He is very deliberate, detailed, and thorough. He advised on needed parts but was not pushy. He will be my go-to tech for my personal and rental properties going forward.

David Addaman - Fisher was very professional, knowledgeable, and friendly. He explained the process, cost, and answered all of my questions.

Johnny Herbert - Fisher always gets the job done right.

Ron Ade - Fisher is very knowledgeable and skilled at his profession. Would definitely recommend him to anyone needing help with their air conditioner.

Michael Pullen - Fisher arrived right on time after an emergency weekend call-out. Diagnosed the problem in first 5 minutes. Replaced dead capacitor in another 10 minutes, plus verified the freon level was topped up appropriately. Nice fellow explained what he was doing each step. Got us going again and saved us from a miserable night of Georgia summer heat. Thanks!

Frank Raimondo - Fisher was on-time and worked slavishly to fix the issue in spite of the extreme heat! He's a total professional!

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